Monday, April 30, 2007

a little update about myself...

ok well... here's a little update about myself for those people wonderring what's been happening to me the past few years...

1. yes i'm very much still alive...
2. No i havent disapeared into thin air....
3. stop asking what's up, i've told u a million times the sky is up and so are oil prices!
4. i'm in college, Inti Nilai to be exact.. far far away...
5. dun ask why i'm there... i dun know myself.. lol
6. i'm doing a south australian matriculation course and hope to further in Brisbane ;)
7. Yes i'm been back from missions since last year Aug, been working in a kindergarten
8. i'm really sorry if i've lost contact with u.. please do feel free to contact me whenever and say hi.. msn ''. hp: 0122278055
9. lol yeah i'm finally driving
10. i dont really know why the chicken crossed the road.....
