One of the main things that struck me today was the importance of the Sabbath, and of following and obeying His commands.
Most of us are at a stage of our lives when we just cannot afford a 'sabbath' - literally, a rest day from work. I know that it's technically 'ok' to work on a sabbath through what Jesus did in the new testament, healing on a sabbath, which was technically his 'work'; but the principle of resting on a sabbath is profound. God created, and He rested. He didn't have to, He could have kept on and kept on creating, but He rested on the 7th day of creation. wow. the Almighty took a rest and we think we can go on and on our lives in an adrenelin rush without slowing down.. no wonder most of us 'crash' every now and then...
God gives us life in which I believe we should be fruitful, productive, hardworking and diligent in the things He has called us to do; whether you're studying or working or in ministry; but I strongly believe that at least ONE of those days should be spent with Him. and THAT is your sabbath. Taking a rest from the busyness and chaos of life; reflecting and pondering upon Him, giving your mind, body, soul and spirit time to recuperate. feed your soul, quieten your mind, exercise your body and rejuvenate your spirit.
One may say, 'But I can't afford to NOT study on Sundays! I need to spread out my time throughout the week'; well, you're technically not sinning that's for sure, but I sure do hope your spirit and soul is fed enough. and you're not burnt out.
I spend my Sundays by myself mostly. After church I'll rest at home, read a book, and spend time with my family. It is one of the best days of the week :) and I can testify that it's one of those things that keep me going through my crazy weeks. There are many benifits from obeying His commands, even more consequences for dissobeying them. Let's strive to obey Him eh?
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