From yesterday's reading; what I've learnt
Exodus 21-30
We're at a part where the LAW comes in (ceremonial lamb, clothes, tabernacle and whatever not). I learnt that GOD IS A SUPER PARTICULAR GOD. esspecially when it comes to His temple (which is US btw). He wants things in order, He has a blueprint for each of our lives and how we build this temple of His. He is QUITE AN ENGINEER AND ARCHITECH. he knows every detail, every inch, every breakdown, of our life and our work.
yup yup. so take heart when you're reading through geonologies, temple measurements, laws for animals, and whatever not.
God is a God of DETAILS. simply because He cares, is excellent in His work, and perfect. and demands perfection :) Let's live a life worthy of Him and take more effort in getting to know HIm more!
1 comment:
Eh good job man participating in this bible marathon thingy!! we could all use more bible reading!
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